Young Adult Sectoral Employment Project
As part of JobsFirstNYC's mission to help young New Yorkers connect to stable jobs and career opportunities, we launched the Young Adult Sectoral Employment Project (YASEP) in 2013. YASEP represents an attempt to harness the power of sectoral employment strategies, programs that focus on filling the hiring needs of employers within one industry or set of occupations, on behalf of the out-of-school, out-of-work 18- to 24-year-old population in New York City.
YASEP has been widely recognized as a tremendous advancement in practice for organizations serving young adults struggling to find employment. In the face of an inhospitable job market where employers increasingly base their hiring decisions on demonstrable skills and previous work experience, sector-based pipeline approaches help to give job seekers the leg up into positions where they have a genuine, stable career track and can earn family-supporting wages.
In many ways, the YASEP is not business as usual:
Customized services for young adults designed to address the significant changes in the labor market.
Employer-Driven Approach that involves employers as critical partners in a broad range of program activities such as obtaining, updating and leveraging labor market intelligence; facilitating access to meaningful work-related immersion experiences for young people; training young people for industry-relevant and informed certifications and credentials; and real-‐time assessment, screening, and matching of candidates.
Collaborative Approach that brings together partners from multiple sectors required to successfully develop and to implement effective programs. JobsFirstNYC has facilitated this approach from the very beginning, which is critical to the success of sectoral employment programs.
Strong Pipelines to sustainable career opportunities including a comprehensive and intensive approach to program services to ensure that young adults not only have the employment skills to succeed but the supportive services as well.
Evidence-Based Approach built on the 2010 Sectoral Employment Impact Study conducted by Public/Private Ventures, which offered critical insights and promising strategies for new approaches to serve low-income young adults better.
Innovative Approach to Instruction that utilizes the full-range of developmentally appropriate approaches to instruction including hands-on exposure to real work experiences. For example, PHI has built out training facilities that fully replicate both home and hospital-based settings where patients typically receive care. Cypress Hills LDC ensures that trainees participate in training that is fully on‐site both in warehouse settings and with relevant vehicles and related equipment. This exposure is central to the training process so that young people can speak to and directly leverage these experiences as they engage in employment.
Independent Intermediary that understands and responds to the current labor market and research and brings together key players to develop a coordinated set of strategies for comprehensive services that deliver better outcomes.
JobsFirstNYC creates and advances solutions that break down barriers and transform the systems supporting young adults and their communities in the pursuit of economic opportunities.