isaacs center
Isaacs Center partners with local employers to train young adults for careers in hospitality and food service. Isaacs Center also offers trainings in community health and education and child development.
There are no baseline requirements to enter the program, such as reading at specific grade level or having a high school diploma or its equivalent. Young adults who join must be between the ages of 17 and 24 and not in school and/or are currently unemployed or underemployed. Interested in finding a career not just a job. In addition, they must meet the following criteria:
- Eligible to work in the U.S.; and
- Able to work evenings and weekends; and
- Able to work in a fast pace environment; and
- A desire to work in Culinary Arts; or
- Ability to work with young children; or
- A desire to work in health care (ie home health care, hospitals, pharmacies); and
- Willing to work in customer service environments